by Melanie Chrismer
It is fun to fly a kite on Earth. But can you go fly a kite on Venus? No. You cannot go to Venus at all.
Flying kites on Earth is fun.
Venus is the second planet in our solar system. All of the planets in the solar system travel around the Sun on a path called an orbit. Venus is closer to the Sun than Earth is. It is hotter on Venus than on Earth.
Venus, Earth
Venus is called Earth's sister. They are the same in many ways. They are almost the same size. They are both made out of rock and metal. They both have clouds.
Earth, Venus
Venus and Earth are different, too. The clouds on Earth are made of water. The clouds on Venus are made of acid.
The acid in the clouds on Venus would burn your skin.
Venus and Earth have mountains and volcanoes. The highest mountain on Earth is Mount Everest. The highest mountain on Venus is Maxwell Montes. It is more than 11 kilometers (almost 7 miles) high. One of the highest volcanoes on Venus is Maat Mons. The highest volcano on Earth is Ojos del Salado. It is more than 6 km (4 miles) high.
Mount Everest is 9 kilometers (5.5 miles) high.
Maat Mons is 9 kilometers (5.5 miles) high.
Almost all of Venus is covered with lava. Lava is hot melted rock or melted rock that has cooled and hardened. Almost all of Earth is covered with water.
No, you cannot fly a kite on Venus. But on Earth you can do many things. You can fly a kite. You can swim in the ocean, and you can be happy you do not live on Venus!
Uranus, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Sun, Venus, Earth, Saturn, Neptune