Winter Fun

Winter Fun

It is fun to be outside in winter.

The pond water freezes and turns to ice.

There is snow on trees and houses.

We put on coats and hats and out we go.

After school, we hurry and get out our

old snow sleds. Then we look for a steep

hill. We jump on and slide down fast!

When our feet get cold, we run home.

Our mother always has a treat and hot

drinks waiting for us.

Our mother might even light a fire.

When it starts burning bright, our feet will

feel better. It is not cold inside.

On special days, we help our mother

cook a turkey. It must cook a long while,

until Father gets home. The smell makes

us hungry.

After dinner, we take turns playing

games. We sit by the fire and watch the

logs burn. We don't feel cold.

It is fun to be inside in winter, too.