1.study m_dicine,
take _cting lessons,
study _ducation,
study s_orts(newspaper) journalism,
go to c_oking school , study m_th really hard
study co_puter science,
pra_tice doing athletics every day,
practice playing musi_al instrument every day,
study l_ws and take the exams,
keep on w_iting stories, d_ncer,
de_ective , sa_lor, c_ach , m_id,
car_enter, p_inter , el_ctrician,
car_enter’s workshop, in_estigate crimes,
tr_in the ……… team,
st_er ship, make f_rniture,
p_int buildings,
ins_all and repair electrical system,
2.What do you want to be in the future?
I want to be a/an ………..
Where are you going to work?
I am going to work in/on the ………
3.How are you going to become a ………?
I am going to ……………….
What are you going to do in your future job?
I am going to ......