A9 Future simple A 第四课 内容还课


take d_ncing lessons,  gain kn_wledge from all subjects,  study sc_ence and geography very hard,

pr_ctice doing sports every day and study education,

learn to do h_usework,  study art very hard and pr_ctice painting every day,  study phys_cs very hard,

study math and phys_cs very hard,  do ex_rcise every day and study science very hard,  

go to police tr_ining school,  do exercise ev_ry day and gain military knowledge,  learn to r_pair things and practice,  

eat less f_st food,  eat more h_althy food,

have three he_lthy meals every day,  eat fr_its every day to receive vitamins,  get l_ss stressed,  

get more ex_rcise,  watch less TV to pr_tect eyes,  get en_ugh sleep,.



How are you going to become a ………?

I am going to ……………….


What are you going to do next year?  

I am going to ……..………


What are your new year’s resolutions?

First, I am going to ………, 

second, I am going to ……….,

third, I am going to ………., 

fourth, I am going to ………, 

fifth, I am going to ……………

